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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)


Despite more than 10,000 cases per year in Australia and 8-13% of women of reproductive age being affected by the condition - whether diagnosed or not -  the cause of PCOS is still unknown but typically women with PCOS have high levels of insulin, or male hormones, or both. Symptoms include: 

  • Excessive facial hair

  • Irregular or missed periods
  • Male pattern baldness (thinning hair on the head)

  • Acne

  • Mood changes

  • Problems sleeping

  • Infertility or reduced fertility

  • Depression

  • Weight gain

  • Fatigue

  • Headaches

  • Heavy periods

Women who have a mother, aunt or sister with PCOS are 50 per cent more likely to develop PCOS. Women with PCOS are also twice as likely as women without the condition have pregnancy complications such as premature delivery, high blood pressure, and gestational diabetes. 

PCOS is a complex hormonal disorder associated with some long-term health risks. Western medication is often targeted at treating specific symptoms. For example birth control pills to regulate cycles or anti-androgens to combat hair growth.

Chinese medicine views PCOS as a complex combination of different patterns; Traditional Chinese Medicine treats these patterns rather than symptoms of the condition. Our practitioners will typically support someone presenting with PCOS using a combination of acupuncture and herbs with the aim of regulating menstrual cycles, improve digestion, dissolve cysts, promote ovulation, improve egg quality, support conception and pregnancy.